Kuşadası (pronounced koo-SHAH-dah-suh, the last vowel is pronounced like the "i" in bird) is a seaside resort town that during the high summer season is swollen beyond all proportions with package holiday-makers who come to Kusadasi in charter flights via Izmir airport. The population then quickly rises from about 65,000 permanent residents to half a million. The place is particularly popular among Belgian, Dutch, and English tourists who come here to indulge in its many sandy beaches and its flamboyant nightlife with its many bars and discos. By far, the most of these are located in Barlar Street. Some people even refer to Kusadasi as Turkey's Miami Beach.
Kuşadası is a major cruise ship port and a base for excursions to the nearby archaeological site of Ephesus, a major tourist attraction close to Selçuk.